Indigenous Health and Justice
Colonial oppression, systemic racism, discrimination, and poor access to a wide range of resources detract from Indigenous health and contribute to continuing health inequities and injustices. These factors have led to structural inadequacies that contribute to circular challenges such as chronic underfunding, understaffing, and culturally insensitive health-care provision. Nevertheless, Indigenous Peoples are working actively to end such legacies.
In Indigenous Health and Justice contributors demonstrate how Indigenous Peoples, individuals, and communities create their own solutions. Chapters focus on both the challenges created by the legacy of settler colonialism and the solutions, strengths, and resilience of Indigenous Peoples and communities in responding to these challenges. It introduces a range of examples, such as the ways in which communities use traditional knowledge and foodways to address health disparities.
Indigenous Health and Justice is the fifth volume in the Indigenous Justice series. The series editors have focused on different aspects of the many kinds of justice that affect Indigenous Peoples. This volume is for students, scholars, activists, policymakers, and health-care professionals interested in health and well-being.