Gestalten | Bouldering
Bouldering from Gestalten
‘Bouldering goes beyond being just a pastime, it is a sense of community that teaches you to challenge your physical and mental boundaries. Power, discipline, and pure focus that pushes you to new heights – Bouldering is a comprehensive guide that shows the different motifs behind the sport and the inspirational figures of this high-performance lifestyle.
The joy of experimenting teaches perseverance and how to deal with failure, bouldering forces the body to new limits. No ropes or strings attached, this is a climb into a community of people spurred by passion and adventure.
Author Bernd Zangerl is regarded as one of the best boulderers of all-time. Born in 1978 in Tyrol, he was surrounded by mountains and began bouldering at a young age. After great success in alpine climbing, he later turned to bouldering and found his true passion here. Today he is a superstar in his field and one of the most acclaimed boulders ever to grace the sport.’